Identity System
Logos, Illustrations, Icons
Custom Typography
Packaging System
Brand Merchandise & Apparel
Our Story
Hop and Sting Brewing Company is the former Grapevine Craft Brewery and founded by its former brewers Brian Burton and Jon Powell.  Retaining almost all the former employees of Grapevine, they jumpstarted the brewery’s operations in June 2018. They named their new brewery after the tale concerning a frog and a scorpion. “It’s our nature to brew”, they say, and they will risk everything to brew “high quality, small batch craft ales and lagers”.
Brand Values
Professional: We always keep a clean decorum when interacting with customers.
Welcoming: Catering to the customer's wants and needs is how we keep a constant customer return rate
Transparent: Brewing our beer based on making beer they demand rather than getting by on our size, looks, or a gimmick
A Keepsake
While keeping our customers happy with great beer and customer service, the fun doesn't just stop there. You don't have to go home empty handed, we have our interesting merch to officially add you apart of our family 

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